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United States

Sheefa is a young and fresh new source of Local raw honey. Based in Anaheim, California our responsibility is to provide pure honey with two promises kept in mind: first is that this honey is guaranteed 100% raw, second is that this honey is produced in local California. Sheefa means 'healing' and with local raw honey, that is what you are guaranteed. Known throughout history honey has always been looked at as a source of healing because of its many benefits. Raw honey is a source of natural healthy sugars with trace amounts of enzymes, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and amino acids. It is a versatile product in culinary, beauty, throat-soothing applications, as well as a source of energy for athletic needs. We hope that with every jar of Sheefa (healing) that you be granted Sheefa! 

Secret Marinade: Harnessing the Tenderizing Benefits of Honey for Meat

The Buzz Blog

Welcome to The Buzz Blog! As said once (by someone we don't know but love) Bees don't know they are small, so they DO great things. This is the place to read Case Studies, ppdates and stories around raw honey and we think you'll love it!

Secret Marinade: Harnessing the Tenderizing Benefits of Honey for Meat

Felipe Cabral

HNY is eagerly looking forward to the 4th of July,

and we've got something special in store for all you barbecue enthusiasts out there. While you probably associate grilled hamburgers as a staple of Independence Day barbecues, we're here to introduce you to a secret ingredient that will take your meat to a whole new level of tenderness and flavor. Drumroll, please... It's raw honey!

Yes, that golden elixir of sweetness can work wonders as a marinade, tenderizing all kinds of meats from chicken and pork all the way to fish. Imagine the possibilities! It's a true culinary adventure, a journey for the taste buds. And don't forget the health benefits! Honey is a natural sweetener, rich in antioxidants and antibacterial properties. So not only is it delicious, it's good for you too. Read more about the benefits of raw honey on this article: 5 Proven Benefits Of Using Avocado Honey


Mouth watering Independence Day here we come

Grilled hamburgers are a staple of 4th of July barbecues, but we're about to take it up a notch with honey-infused goodness. The versatility of honey allows it to be used in marinades, where it acts as a tenderizer, making your meat oh-so-tender and juicy. So this 4th of July embrace the sweet touch of honey as a secret ingredient in your marinades for an unforgettable flavor experience.


Why it gotta be raw honey

Not all honey is equally capable when it comes to tenderizing meat. Raw honey is where the magic lies! Pasteurized honey lacks the essential enzymes required for the marinating process, so if tenderizing is your goal, go for raw honey. And what better option than HNY raw honey? With our raw honey, you're getting the real deal – the perfect catalyst for tenderizing your meat to perfection.

How does honey make meat tender?

Marinades typically consist of oil, salt, and acids, with the acids being the heroes that break through the tough fibers in the meat. Honey is acidic outside the body but turns alkaline once metabolized. This unique characteristic helps break down proteins, resulting in incredibly tender meat. That's why raw honey is the ultimate secret weapon for achieving meat that melts in your mouth.

I’m sure you’re not here just for the reading… bring on them delicious recipes!

Whole Chicken Recipe:

Prepare to impress your guests with a succulent whole chicken marinated in HNY's raw honey flavour of your choosing. Here’s your step-by-step guide to meaty perfection!



  • A whole chicken


Tenderizing process

  1. Use a nice-sized bowl. Stir your honey, salt and pepper, and crushed garlic together with your olive oil.

  2. Pierce your chicken with a fork. Coat it well with the marinade sauce you’ve just mixed.

  3. Place in the fridge for 4 hours.

  4. Prior to grilling, remove your chicken from the refrigerator and let it stand for about 1/2 an hour.

  5. Roast your chicken for an hour at a temperature of 350–400 F (About 170 - 200 C). During roasting, you can turn your chicken occasionally.

  6. Then it’s time to serve your chicken with roast potatoes and a fresh Greek salad.


For more regular recipes follow us:


Honey & Pineapple Marinade (Sauce only):

Looking to add a tropical twist to your barbecue? Our honey and pineapple marinade is the answer. Versatile and bursting with flavor, it's perfect for chicken, pork chops, beef, and even fish. Prepare to be amazed!


Honey & Pineapple Marinade

  • A cup of raw honey

  • A cup of crushed pineapple

  • A cup of soy sauce

  • ¼ cup apple cider vinegar

  • ¼ tsp powdered cloves

  • 2 minced garlic cloves

  • Pepper and salt


This 4th of July, take your barbecue game to new heights with the magical touch of honey. HNY's raw honey is the perfect marinade ingredient, tenderizing your meat to perfection and adding a hint of sweetness that will have your taste buds dancing with joy. So fire up that grill, gather your loved ones, and indulge in the deliciousness of these recipes. Prepare for a celebration of flavors that will leave you wanting more!

Disclaimer: Remember to exercise caution when using raw honey in marinades, as it can cause the meat to brown quickly due to its natural sugars. Adjust cooking times and temperatures accordingly to avoid charring. Enjoy responsibly and have a fantastic 4th of July!